Drupal website specialists.

Local Government Procurement

A fresh and modern redesign for the LGP website, built on Drupal, with a complex internal content drafting system and multi level permissions for different users.

Local Government Procurement

Contract management system

Local Government Procurement (LGP) is a business arm of Local Government NSW (LGNSW), the membership association for all councils in NSW. Established in 2006, LGP focuses on creating procurement efficiencies and building procurement expertise, saving councils significantly in time and dollars.

A new look

Using existing LGP branding elements, Neubreed developed a user-focused website design with emphasis on clear navigation elements and search elements. Through the re-organisation of information on the website we were able to move towards more of a user-focussed approach, condensing page length and providing a more natural flow to the site.

Behind the scenes

We developed a contract management back end, fully integrated with their website which LGP staff use on a daily basis. Built completely with Drupal it has many integrated features that streamline the creation and management of contracts. With content authoring work flows, complex content types, document library and user role access visibility and much more, the LGP back end is a great example of what we can achieve with Drupal.




Web design
Web development
Drupal websites
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