Drupal website specialists.

What functionality can I add to my website?

Posted 29/May/2014 by vicky

At Neubreed we are big fans of developing with the Drupal framework and one of the reasons for that is its flexibility and scalability.

I talk to business owners every day planning their new online venture and the conversations are always around the functionality they would like to incorporate into their website.

Often when I ask a client what functionality they require for their website they are not sure what they need or what is available so below are some possibilities and ideas to help get you brainstorming!

For business websites offering services;

  • You might consider a blog, where you will post updates on changes in your industry, post helpful information, testimonials etc
  • You may require a login facility where you can place pages with data only registered members have access to
  • Search Feature
  • Online chat integration
  • Accounting software integration with XERO, MYOB etc
  • Integration with internal CRM such as Salesforce etc

For eCommerce Websites;

  • Custom page layout for product pages – the drupal framework allows us to create a completely custom page layout for your shopping pages to set you aside from your competitors
  • Store Locator if you have several locations
  • Advanced / Personalised search filters
  • Newsletter Sign Up – great selling tool for your products
  • Social networking feeds to promote engagement

For Niche Business Websites;

  • Custom applications. You want to be the place people come for your product or service by creating a custom interface? An example might be, rather than just selling t-shirts, you want people to be able to design their own like Zazzle.  We can create any custom application you can dream up!
  • If you are a recruitment company you may want a complex job search feature, allow people to apply online, upload their cv etc
  • If you are thinking of building a directory website our fantastic web developers can develop a unique directory website for your business too

Contact us today if you would like to chat more about the functionalities you would like to add to your project