Drupal website specialists.

Why do we LOVE Drupal?

Posted 15/May/2014 by vicky

With so many CMS (Content Management System) options out there now, why does Neubreed choose Drupal as their preferred framework?

Well, the answer can be found in one word - Scalability my friends!

Whether you are a startup or an established business, there is no doubt where your business is now, it will not be in a couple of years.

Ideally, it would have grown and expanded and possibly had many changes. Your website should essentially work like an employee of your company. It should have the capacity to grow and expand as the business does without “hitting any walls”.

Drupal is open source and the benefit to our customers for having sites on the Drupal framework is that Drupal is supported by a huge Developer community. This means extensive developer contributions allow for Drupal sites to pretty much allow for any complex development functionality you can dream up.

Being open source and with such a large developer community also means you are not tied to your website developer. You can take your site and go to another Drupal developer to work on and edit your website functionality.

Whether you want to develop a blog, intranet, business website, member’s portal or other custom database driven applications, the Drupal framework is capable of all these things and much more!