Drupal website specialists.

Ecommerce – A 3 Part Series - Chapter 2. Shipping – Oh yeah, I forgot about that!

Posted 09/July/2014 by vicky

Chapter 2. Shipping – Oh yeah, I forgot about that!

Oh yes, I hear you – who would forget about shipping?…a lot of people do. When you are in the throes of having your ecommerce site designed it’s an exciting journey, you think about how you are going to take payments – (because you want to get paid of course!), who will be your photographer to take those amazing product shots, how you are going to market the site, the list goes on.

Of course once you get paid you need to ship the product out, but where to start. Firstly to work out whether you will align yourself with a courier company or if you will use Australia Post. With a Neubreed eCommerce website you will have an Australian Post shipping calculator set up. If you select a courier you can chat to us about integration between the courier company and your website.

Next, you will also need to work out if you will be charging a flat fee for the complete order, charging based on weight or if you will apply a shipping fee per item. 

Weight Based Shipping

This is probably the most common and accurate form of shipping. By working out the dimensions and weight to calculate how much it costs to ship them. 

Flat-rate Shipping

Flat rate shipping can be a great way to simplify things for your customer. They know whatever they order from you will have the same shipping rate. Keep in mind with this type of shipping you will gain on some orders and lose on others, however if calculated correctly this should even itself out.

Follow us on facebook to make sure you get Chapter 3 ( Marketing – taking on your competitors!) of our 3 part eCommerce series or connect with us today to chat about your eCommerce store!