Drupal website specialists.

A new contender for paypal??

Posted 20/August/2014 by vicky

When you are in the middle of planning an ecommerce website one of the main aspects of concern is of course payment and how you will take it.

Whether you are a startup or an existing business you of course want to keep within budget and save as much money on fees as possible. 

We have all come very familiar with the fact that you don’t necessarily have to set up a payment gateway to accept credit cards online, especially if you are not selling high volume and you may just be happy to provide pay pal as your method for accepting credit cards. Well, looks like Pay Pal has a contender and it’s name is Stripe.

So what is stripe and what are the benefits?

For those who aren’t familiar with Stripe, Stripe is a new way of accepting  payments on your website and on mobile apps. Stripe charges just  1.75% + 30c for domestic cards and 2.9% + 30c for American Express or international cards. In comparison with Pay Pal which charges 2.4% + 30c per transaction and 3.4% on international sales plus a fixed fee based on the currency received. The best part about Stripe is there are no refund costs or monthly fees.

Stripe also allows your clients to pay directly within your website too so your clients don’t leave your site to make the transaction.

Stripe has built it’s name overseas, so much so that in this release Twitter is also potentially exploring using Stripe as its payment method for possible future commerce options on Twitter: https://www.financialexpress.com/news/coming-soon-to-social-media-click-to-buy-now/1271913

If you would like to understand more about selling online, accepting payments or to chat through your ideas for an ecommerce website, give us a call today – 02 8007 0218