Drupal website specialists.

When is Drupal right for you?

Posted 27/August/2014 by vicky

On your quest to create a great custom website you will of course come across the battle of which CMS (Content management system) you will use to have your site developed or rather which CMS your web developers use. At Neubreed our framework of choice is Drupal, so today we will talk a little about Drupal and whether it’s right for your project.

Quite often when we talk to clients they haven’t heard of Drupal before, or if they had they think that Drupal is only suitable to large organisations with big pockets.

Well, whilst it’s true that Drupal can cater to large organisations requiring very complex projects to be developed, Drupal also has its place supporting small business websites too.  

We deal with clients of all sizes from tradesman running a one man band through to high profile corporate clients and we use the Drupal framework for all of our websites.

Anyone in business knows the devils in the detail and planning is crucial to your success so this sparks the thought, where do you hope your business will be in 1, 3 or 5 years from now. Hopefully and most likely it will be far from where it is when you are starting up and if this is the case your site needs to accommodate you and go on the journey with you.

Imagine a website that started as a basic business website and allowed you then to turn it into an ecommerce website, maybe you want to add a members area, you need a wiki for your staff and while you’re there you want the ability to share files and why not have an advanced search for your customers to easily source your information…yes that’s right a Drupal website can do all of this. And it all started with the creation of a basic website being built for your start up business.

So to answer the question, is Drupal right for you. Yes it is, no matter how small your business is and it for the around the same cost as developing a wordpress website but with the added benefit of having both customisable design and development options.

But isn’t Drupal harder to use than wordpress? There is of course a learning curve to learn any new system and this is no different for your website, in fact even wordpress is a hurdle if you have never used it before. The way we tackle this is support. We offer all of our clients training where you are invited into the office for training and of course we are only ever a phone call away. The reality with Drupal is that your web developers will have done the hard work for you, and once you have had some training you will find its actually quite user friendly.

If Drupal sounds like it’s calling your name, give us a call today to chat about your project on 02 8007 0218!