Drupal website specialists.

Drupal Benefits

Posted 01/October/2014 by vicky

At Neubreed we use Drupal as our chosen platform for developing sites. There are of course many content management systems we could choose from but as an agency we, very early on in our journey, knew we had to pick a CMS with several attributes;

  • Open source so that our clients would always own their websites and could take them anywhere
  • Easy to use for customers that weren’t familiar with websites
  • The ability to set the site up in such a way the client could edit the content yet we could ensure the sites design integrity
  • Would allow us to completely custom design each and every part of the website and not use templates
  • Most importantly came scalability and flexibility

Of course with all of these criteria Drupal was the obvious option. But what are the benefits of using Drupal for your website? What if you just want to develop a small business website?

A big misconception around Drupal is that because it such a powerful CMS, and a scalable platform that allows us to develop anything from learning modules to your own social network that it’s not suitable for smaller sites as it costs too much.

The truth is Drupal websites don’t cost any more to develop than sites built on wordpress for example but they will allow you to grow more.  The beauty behind Drupal is being able to start you off with a 4 page business website and being able to add ecommerce to that, a forum, blog, add a directory, paid membership facility, custom application or more all on the same basic website you started with.

With other CMS websites you might find starting with a basic website and wanting to add complex functionality like a directory or ecommerce later down the track means having to scrap the existing website and start all over again, with Drupal you can keep expanding your existing site. Developing in this manner also enables you to save money by initially launching your project in phases.

So to recap if you are looking for a CMS that lets you build a site that can continually grow and expand, have an easy to edit back end, add pretty much anything you can think of to your website and would like all of this on an open source platform so you own your own site, Drupal is right for you!

If you have a project you would like to discuss with our Drupal developers contact us today or fill out a project brief!