Drupal website specialists.

Website redesign

Redesigning your website is usually about redefining or updating your brand, making it compatible with mobile devices, increasing functionality and professionalism. Your old website may no longer reassure your audience that your business offers a solution to their problem. It may also guide your visitors to information that's no longer relevant or areas that are simply broken.

When a visitor arrives at your website, they very quickly sum you up, most of the time within seconds. The look of your website is responsible for selling your business to potential customers and if you haven’t updated your website recently it might be time for some reflection and to look at how your website could perform better.

How do you determine if your website needs a redesign?

Is it responsive?

We no longer live in a world where everybody is just viewing your site at their home or office computer. It's becoming more and more crucial that your site is easily viewable on any device whether it be a smart phone tablet, laptop or desktop. Everyone has less time and spends more time using mobile devices to look for products or services these days, and if your users need to excessively scroll or zoom in and out to workout if your website offers what they are looking for it won't be long before they leave and head over to your competitors.

A clients rings you to ask you something you think is obvious about your business

If you find you are often receiving feedback about the site or clients are asking where the information they want is on the site it might be time to improve the user experience for your clients by redesigning the way your site operates.

You have grown

If you operate a successful business the likelihood is that you have grown as a business over time but has your website? Does your website accurately reflect the size of your company, your company's values and does it showcase the unique selling proposition of your business?

You're struggling with updates

A website redesign can also help when you start to have a lot of content and you are struggling to make updates to the website or finding ways of fitting all of the content on the existing site. By redesigning the site you can look at the architecture of the site and the customer path and look at ways of improving that so its easy for you to update your site and for your customers to navigate your site.

It loads as quickly as paint dries.

Not only does a slow load time on pages affect your SEO it also turns people away before they have even used your site.

Your messaging isn’t clear

If people struggle to understand what product or service you offer they will bounce off the site. Is your messaging clear and targeting the right audience?

It's just long in the tooth

Enough said. We believe a website's life cycle is about 3 years for a design update and 4-5 years for a technology overhaul.

Get started!

We tailor website redesign packages to our clients requirements and budget so if you would like to find out about your options get in contact today.

If you have any questions about our range of web design and development services or would like to know more about what we can do for your business, please call (02) 8006 3402 or contact us as we'd love hear your ideas.