Drupal website specialists.

What a web designer will ask you before quoting your website

Posted 28/May/2014 by vicky

If you are about to venture into the world of web design and you are not sure where to start, below are some questions your web designer will ask in order to provide you with a proposal and some recommendations.

Describe Your Company. So often when this question is posed we receive a brief answer like “ I will be selling shoes online”. Is that it? We want to hear your elevator pitch! Tell us why your Company is the only Company anyone should buy shoes from, what type of shoes, how they are different,  the service we can expect when shopping from you etc. Tell us about your point of difference so we can incorporate your unique business persona into your custom web design.

The Aims For The Website. When you decide to launch a website for your business, make sure you take the time to really think about your expectations from the website launch. Is it purely an avenue to generate more sales or is it to increase product and brand awareness, maybe you want a system that allows you to connect with your existing clients and keep them updated on your business advancements and provide them with industry updates.

Know Your Customers. Your web designer will need to understand your target audience in order to design a website that is user focused and targeted at your target market. Defining your target market comes down to many factors including who your current customers are and why they buy from you, if this is a new business look at your competitors and who they are targeting. Look at commonality between the existing customers, age, gender, income level, interests etc

The Tricky Stuff. The functionality! There is so much more to a website than a great design. Planning a website comes down to its core functions, what actions do you want the website to perform? What do you want customers to be able to access/ do on your site? This really is crucial part of your website development so don’t forget to take the time to really map out your ideas for the functionality sitting in the background of your website. We will be talking more about the type of functionality that the Drupal framework is capable of in up coming blogs!

Reaping The Rewards. Talk us through the business model so we can understand how the website will make you money. Having a great idea is one thing but ensuring you have clearly mapped out the sales process to make a return on your investment is another. This is another crucial element for your web developer to understand to ensure the web site works for you like an employee, one that will support your business all year round.

Show us the inspiration! Getting a new website is exciting. Get inspired by looking at other websites and showing us what you love and also what you hate! Check out your competitors; look at the features on their websites. Show us the features you think are great and those you think are unneeded.

Piggy Bank. Your digital agency will need to have an idea of your budget range. The reason for this is to to consult with you and advise if your desires for the website look and feel and functionality requirements can be achieved. A good agency will break down each element of your site so you can understand the costs involved and will endeavour to work out a solution that fits your desires and budget

The Deadline. Your web design agency will need to understand your proposed deadline. Your web designer should work to your schedule and provide a breakdown of each element of your site and the estimated time schedule.