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How to make your eCommerce website stand out from the crowd

Posted 13/June/2014 by vicky

With the shift in consumer behavior towards online shopping how can you make sure it’s your eCommerce website that people buy from and not your competitors?

Imagery! A good ecommerce website does not just have an easy to use navigation, easy to use checkout system and a modern design. Quite often one of the main things shop owners fail to do is use professional imagery.  A photo tells a thousand words so make sure your story is a great one.  Your product images are what will sell your products or make your clients click away and visit your competitor. You only have to look at https://www.apple.com/au/ipod/ to see what imagery can do for your shop!

Show you understand. A good web designer will work with you to develop a custom design for your site that not only reflects the uniqueness of your business but most importantly that projects the message to your target audience that you get them. You know what they like, what they want to see and how to present that information to them. Your design should be different from your competitors because you and your business are – steer away from cheap templates for your website if you want to get noticed through effective design.

Make it personal. Building trust with your customers is key to your success and that covers every business. In a world where everything is automated, show your customers there are real people behind your eCommerce website. Emphasise your customer service and protocols for making sure your users have a seamless shopping experience. Show trust marks, awards and testimonials.

You are different. Even if you are in a competitive market you still have a unique point of difference. It may be price, quality of your products, your customer service, shipping, personal approach etc. When you decided to start your business you probably did so because you thought “you know no one is doing x online” and your business idea was born, so share your story and uniqueness!

Get to the point. Make it quick for your user. Try and reduce the amount of clicking your user has to do to buy your product. The easier and quicker it is, the more likely it is they will shop without hesitation.

Be exciting. If you have a lot to tell your clients why not use video instead of a bunch of long winded articles? People are time poor and long pages can put people off but if they see a video ready to be watched it is likely you will engage the user to stay.

Show them you know. Be an authority on your products. Provide helpful and interesting information and facts to keep your user engaged with your site.

If you feel like your ecommerce is lacking the edge it needs, pop in for a chat or give us a call today!