Drupal website specialists.

Proof is in the pudding - website redesign and why its worth it

Posted 20/June/2014 by vicky

You may be considering an overhaul of your website design but what's involved? Is it worth it? Cumberland Building is a prime example of how an effective webite redesign can completely change the image you portay to your clients.

The Brief: Cumberland Building Services partnered with Neubreed to rebrand their corporate image and better position themselves towards their target market by creating awareness about the company and their capabilities.

Modern, Sleek and Simplistic

Website Redesign

Project Overview: Neubreed refreshed Cumberland Building Services online presence with new branding and an attractive, user-focused website design. This design showcases the project work completed by the company through the use of: photographic backgrounds; and a minimalist web interface that is easy to read and navigate

Responding to the user: Neubreed from the start focused on the user experience of the end user for the Cumberland Building Services redesign. Implementing a responsive design was critical element of the rebranding process to ensure the site would resize and/or re-format its content to suit the user's device, platform or browser. We did this by creating multiple layouts of the website, which displays depending on the size of the screen being used. 

The End Result: Through a complete branding redesign including a logo re design, custom web design and development and thoughtful planning into the architecture of the site Cumberland Building now showcases their award winning projects and the attention to detail they have given and continue to give to each and every project they deliver.

If you know its time that you thought about overhauling your corporate identity the best place to start is with a conversation. Chat to us today about what pains you about your current branding and website and we can talk through your options and our recommendations.