Drupal website specialists.

Is a logo design really necessary?

Posted 05/March/2015 by vicky

If you are a small business getting a website developed you may be wandering whether you need a logo? After all the web designers have to design your website so is a logo even necessary?

One problem you may encounter by just having your business name as your logo is finding its not adaptable across all forms of media. For example how would you go about using your logo on social media or an app? Without an icon being able to be produced from your logo you may find it very hard to be downsized for the appropriate media.

How will you differentiate yourself from your competitors? By having a professional icon that represents your brand you can set your business apart, and distinguish yourself from your competitors. This is especially important if you are in a competitive space. If you have a professional and memorable logo, customers that use your service repeatedly will recognise your brand, and are more likely to refer others to your business.

Tell customers what to expect.  A professional logo design can speak volumes about the type of product or service a customer can expect from your business. For example if a high end boutique fashion label has an elegant and modern logo it gives the impression that by shopping there you can expect quality, think about child care centres. Their logos are always bright, youthful and fun to give parents a sense of trust in the brand.

Plan on doing marketing? Of course you do! Every business needs to market themselves and to do this effectively you need to have a professional presence that is consistent.  Imagine you hand over your business cards at a networking event and then one of your competitors does the same only they have a professional logo designed that follows the brand guidelines of their website and other collateral and you look down at your card and suddenly regret not putting enough emphasis on your branding.

Build trust. One of the most important messages for you to send to your customers is trust. Having a professional logo tells your customers you are invested in your business, you are professional and you are here for the long term.

If all of these things are important to you, whether you want to chat about logo design or developing a full suite of stationary for your business, call today on 1300 858 495 to chat about developing a professional logo design for your business!