Drupal website specialists.

We specialise in Drupal ,you benefit

Posted 20/April/2015 by vicky


Once upon a time websites were developed by web developers and whenever a client needed an update or a change the client would have to go back to the developer and pay for the changes and of course hope it would get done in a timely fashion. These days of course, things have changed and it’s rare to know of people with a website that is not on CMS (content management system) that allows them to manage their own website changes.

Of course with the ever rapidly changing technology landscape there are more and more options available and when you are taking your ideas and launching them online choosing the right CMS for your project is of course crucial. The last thing you want is to develop your project only to realise you have outgrown your CMS after 6 or 12 months and you now have to start all over again - this is a huge time and financial strain you don't need.

At Neubreed we specialise, and have done so since 2000, in working with the Drupal CMS framework. Some of you may have heard of or are familiar with Drupal and some may never have heard of it before. So why Drupal, and how does it benefit you?

Open source software. The one thing you want when developing your project is to make sure, you own the site at the end of the day. Think worst case scenario, what if your developer shuts up shop, what if they don’t have the skills to further develop additional phases to your web development project, you need to be able to take your site and go to another developer and allow them to jump in and help you make changes to your site and add additional functionality etc.  By having your site developed on an open source framework it means you are in control and can move your site and another developer specialising in Drupal can pick up the pieces for you.

You're not boxed in or controlled with Drupal. Drupal’s highly customisable so when it comes to design and functionality requirements your designers and developers are granted the freedom to produce the bespoke website you need.

It grows with you. Scalability and flexibility are best to describe Drupal. Drupal’s extensibility means its not necessary to rebuild a website when new features need to be added.

API support. Developers can create custom modules by using documented API’s for social networking sites like Google and Twitter or perhaps to connect with your courier fro real time tracking on your website

Your site IS unique. Because each Drupal site is customised to our clients brief you needn't fear that your site has a templated look. Each element can be customised with your Drupal site to ensure you site is a direct reflection of the vision you had for your project.

Security. Their is a Drupal security team that monitors and addresses security issues with Drupal core in addition to the many thousands of developes in the community constantly working on it.

Community. Drupal has a huge developer community. Nearly 100 developers contributed code to Drupal 7, and there are 600,000+ users on Drupal.org with nearly 400,000 websites run on Drupal.

If it's good enough for them. Some businesses or organisations you may heard of using Drupal:

The White House

Prince Of Whales


Flight Centre


If you would luike to understand how you could benefit from having your website on Druapl contact us today for a free consultation and to chat through your ideas on 1300 858 495