Drupal website specialists.

Are your customers getting what they expect?

Posted 11/June/2015 by vicky

 By now if you are an established business the likelihood is you have had a website up and running for a while now and it does its job..doesn’t it? Well in fact, when was the last time you looked at the information your site provides and the information clients request from you? When was the last time you viewed your site on a mobile device? When was the last time you checked your site against your every emerging competitors??

A website is like a car, when you first drive it off the lot it’s new and shiny, everything runs smoothly and your proud to show it off to everyone you meet. Fast forward a few years and things become a little .. worn in. The oil and fuel filters filters need replacing, tyres need to be looked at, the car just doesn’t seem to run as efficiently as it once did so its time to take it back to the mechanic for a good once over.

The same scenario applies to a websites, even if it's a few years old the website design might still look great but is it still offering the customers today what they want? Customers 5 years ago didn't expect as much from a website as they do today. In fact nor did Google. Nowadays however, when we get to a website we expect to view it on any number of devices, phones, tablets, phablets, desktops. We also expect the website to provide a plethera of information about the company so we can check out the company before we buy. On top of all of that we want to be entertained, we want to see animation, we want to be engaged by video, we want to follow/stalk you “socially” and we want to read your advice on your blog.

So the question is does your website do all these things, when was the last time your reviewed the design, the information on your site?

Does your site:
- Load quickly
- Present key information easily
- Respond to various mobile devices
- Engage the user
- Entice users to follow you on social sites, blog etc
- Clearly display a strong call to action
- Look modern and up to date in comparison with your competitors

If the answer to any of the above is no or you are not sure, maybe it's time to engage in a conversation with your website designer about getting a health check on your website.

At Neubreed our website designers are here to give you honest advice and comparison against your competitors so give us a call today on 1300 858 495