Drupal website specialists.

Quick start guide to getting a quote for your website

Posted 10/June/2015 by vicky


There’s nothing fun about having to ring around for quotes except for the fact you know that this leads to your business being launched online. To get you started before you pull your hair out here is a quick start guide to help you prepare the information you will need to get quotes.

Firstly the planning, top 10 questions you will be asked by web design companies to get a quote

  1. What is your business, what is the purpose of the project, explain the business in detail

  2. Who is your customer - detailed information about gender, geographic location, income bracket, age group, social behaviour etc

  3. Who are your competitors, what do they do, how are you different

  4. How will you make money from the site

  5. Describe the journey of a customer on your site, what can they do and how can they do it. Include details on functionality such as different access levels for different customers, payment options, memberships, profiles, member dashboards etc

  6. How will you market the website, where would your customers be looking for a product or service such as yours. SEO, Adwords, Social Media, Blogs, Magazines, Newspaper etc

  7. How will you measure success. Will it be based on generating more leads, increased online presence, increasing word of mouth referrals? etc.

  8. Have you any branding, examples of sites for inspiration both sites you like and dislike and the reasons why

  9. What is your time frame, are there any launches or events that require the site to be live before a particular date

  10. What is your budget range

Next, tools that help you to plan out a site map for planning your website.

As web developers we know that you are not sure what will be involved in your website in terms of development but there are tools online that are free to use and allow you to create a wireframe or blueprint of your website, the pages you need, what functionality sits on a page, how a step is actioned. This is something you can then take to web design companies so they have a clearer understanding of your project and will be able to provide you with a quotation.

Some of these tools available are:




We can help with a more detailed breakdown of these questions so if you are looking for a quote and want to chat through your project fill out a brief today or give us a call to discuss!