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Web design & web development - 10 vital tips for a web designer

Posted 23/June/2010 by neubreed

One of the hardest challenges that face a person in web design and web development is designing the web page. There is possibility millions of web pages on the net all pushing to get noticed. The question that is foremost is how you as a web designer can make a difference.

It’s important to research the topic that is being featured. Visit as many websites as possible that cover the same as well as related topics. Make a list of what works and what doesn’t. Avoid using a web design that is going to be the same as other web designs. Unless your pages are distinctively different it’s not going to work.

  1. Try to avoid mediocre gear like page counters, flashing images, java text scrolling, GIF images, signs which say “we are not ready.” Or, too many illustrations, animations, black backgrounds or fade ins.
  2. Build a web design which expresses in a classy way which it has to. Instead of using downloaded illustrations, use unique ones.
  3. Keep away from things like heavy files or graphics. These will slow down your pages. GIF files are much better than JPEG files.
  4. The target audience and subject are important things to think about when web designing. The overall effect should be that of exclusivity
  5. Shun from incorporating download plugins. Whilst Flash is innovative and fun you will lose visitors if you don’t provide an HTML option.
  6. Web design the pages so that they are not more than 50K.
  7. Memorise this rule of thumb; a web page shouldn’t have more than 3 screens. Also, ensure that the visitor doesn’t have to scroll horizontally.
  8. Test your web pages with several different browsers. Be sure that they open and load quickly and fully. Ask a number of people or users to check the site. Checking the usability like this will bring up any mistakes made that others will see.
  9. Do not use backgrounds with tiles or patterns as it makes the design busy and decreases readability. Avoid frames they cause the web pages very difficult to bookmark.
  10. Determine accurately the rules of creative web design and ensure that you apply them. If you have links make sure they work. Limit page content. Pay close attention to search engine optimisation. Ensure that the design follows the content and is not a separate element. Maintain archives. Use innovative fonts and titles. The content should follow fundamental elements of style or a style sheet.

When designing the web page think about the site as a whole and not each page independently. There needs to be stability in the web design. Include a site map for easy navigation. Pay attention to imparting knowledge, include information on the subject of the website, give tips, make available how to articles as well as publications on the topic. The website and pages should be interactive without being an irritation, so links must be well thought of and have practical use.

Remember to keep in your mind at all times the 5 golden rules of web design: proportion, rhythm, balance, unity and dominance.