Drupal website specialists.

web development

Posted 02/May/2016 by admin

As a website styler, it can get quite frustrating in this world of CSS, having to endlessly replicate code lines just to target another selector below the one you are styling, it can add up to literally thousands of lines of code, unnecessary code as well which you will eventually have to sift through just to find that line height that seemed like a good idea to set at the time…

Posted 04/June/2015 by vicky

 We are often talking about the website, the process for design and development, the costs and what features you can have but I often find the biggest hurdles are all the other elements clients need to succeed online. The approach to funding your project, the business plan, the long term marketing plan, legal documentation and more so in this post we look at everything but the website

Posted 23/April/2015 by vicky

 No one likes getting quotes, you have to tell a bunch of web design companies the same thing over and over and then you receive a handful of quotations back and they are all the same yet they are different yet...they are all full of tech talk and they are priced so differently!!

Posted 05/February/2015 by vicky

If you talk to any webdesign company about a website the likelihood is that they will talk to you about giving you a website that is set up on a Content Management System (CMS) such as Wordpress or Drupal.  Some agencies also offer the option for you to have a managed website so that the web design company maintains the website for you normally paid for on a retainer basis.

Posted 30/January/2015 by vicky

It really doesn’t matter what the size of your business is, we all want to get the best products or services for our business without blowing the budget. Nothing is truer than when developing your brand, launching or redesigning your business website.

Posted 15/December/2014 by vicky

It’s about this time of year you start to feel stuck in a rut. You have been at your job for years, it’s the same day in, day out and you look at your friends running their own businesses and they seem to have it all. So what is really involved in getting started with your own business? How viable is it?

 1. Viability of your idea.  Long before you need to worry about funding, websites, location for your business etc. of course the place to start is working out whether your idea is viable.

Posted 05/December/2014 by vicky

Your site is launched!!

Your web developer has just told you the great news – your website is about to get deployed! All of the effort and all of your ideas can finally be shown to everyone and you can sit back and let the website do the work for you..right? Well…the reality about your website going live is that now your work begins. In this post we talk about website life post launch, what things you need to consider and prepare for.

Posted 19/August/2014 by vicky

Having a website that looks great is, well…great, but what happens when all of a sudden you realise from the face of things your site certainly converts and looks like a custom website but from an admin perspective you  are struggling to manage all your tasks manually? This is where adding some custom applications to your website can help.

What sort of things can a web developer help you to do?

Posted 12/August/2014 by vicky

Web development is no easy task, it involves your web designers and developers having a great understanding of your business, your goals short term and long term for the site, what its purpose is, who will be viewing your site and how and how the website will generate income for you; whether it be via brand awareness or selling online with a stunning ecommerce website.
