Drupal website specialists.

Choosing local web developers makes the difference

Posted 23/July/2014 by vicky

The search for the right web developers can be a tiresome one and when choosing the right website company it doesn’t always come down to cost.

What are the factors you should consider when picking a team for your website?

A website company that gets it!  I know from my communications with my clients that one of the main things they are looking for is someone who not only understands their technical and graphic design requirements but who also has understanding of how a business works and more importantly someone who will delve into the detail of how their business works and what makes it unique.

Not afraid to meet. Email correspondence and phone calls work to a certain extent but for your web developers to gain greater insight into your business; the goals and objectives and the measures of success for your site, you need to meet the people who will be responsible for your website development project. How can the designers and developers really get a true understanding of the background behind your business and a feel for your ideas without ever meeting you? So much more can be achieved in 1 face to face meeting than 10 emails being sent back and forth.

Work with people, not robots. Above and beyond finding web developers that understand your business, when you invest in a custom website project, you are also entering into a long standing relationship with that website company so its imperative that you feel they are professional, experienced and have an understanding of your business and are able to portray your personality within your website. By meeting with a local web development team face to face you will soon know if you feel you have established a long standing partnership you feel comfortable with.

Reduced Risk. By chosing a local website company it means you reduce risk by knowing if you are not happy with something you can book an appointment to address the issue with the team. It's much easier for a compaby run via a call centre to pass the buck than when you work one on one with a local team you have established a relationship with.

At Neubreed all of our web developers are in house in our North Sydney office. If you are based in Sydney and are looking for someone local you can talk to about your website requirements book an appointment today!