Drupal website specialists.

What the web designers and developers are doing while you wait.

Posted 09/October/2014 by vicky

Building a website seems like a pretty straight forward process so you may be wandering why websites take so long, and in fact what we are doing while you wait?

Let’s break this down step by step.

1. Firstly the most important part of the whole process – planning.

Based on the client meetings and briefing documentation the website designer researches your target audience, they type of visitor you will attract to your website, the target demographic etc.  The planning phase also includes review of proposed site plan, site structure and information design, content requirement, site navigation / user experience, functionality requisites, website priorities and time frame, competitive analysis and from all of this wire frames will be developed allowing you to see the clear vision the web design and development team have for your project to ensure it aligns with your objectives.

2. Next mock ups are designed based on the wireframes.

At Neubreed we design the mockups and then they will be presented to you on a piece of software that allows you to view the design as it will look as a live website and you will be able to make comments onto the mockup on line so we can see any changes you would like to make. You will then enter a review phase where you and the designer go back and forth on revisions until you approve the design and are happy for the website design to be sent to the web development team ready for build! If you are one of our local Sydney web design clients we welcome you to meet back with the team face to face to discuss revisions we often find this is a much more effective way to review mockups than via phone and email and speeds up the process!

3. Development phase – the long part.

This part of the getting a website developed is the longest part especially if you are developing a more complex site such as a database driven website, directory website or are having other custom applications developed.

The web development phase includes Website assembly (HTML, CSS and templates) Includes image slicing, standards-compliant HTML and CSS and cross-browser compatibility.

The developer needs to develop the templates not only for the standard web pages but this phase includes developing all of the back end functionality hence why this is the longest part of the website development.  This phase includes elements such as the CMS also  -  in our case developing the website on the Drupal Development platform.

During the development phase the web developer will also populate your pages with your provided content. This phase can take anywhere from several weeks to several months depending on the complexity of the build.

4. Deployment. The next stage is final reviews and testing ready to send the project live.

This includes establishing the production environment, performance, load and stress testing, bug resolution and finally sign off and launch.

If you need help planning your website, give us a call today on 1300 858 495