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How to help your graphic designer get it right..the first time!

Posted 07/January/2015 by vicky

There is nothing greater for both you and the designer alike when you brief your graphic designer and the first thing you see from them reflects your ideas perfectly! So what is the trick? How do you make sure your ideas get translated to the designer and into a wonderful design?

Don’t put pressure on yourself to rush through the process. One of the most important things to do when you are briefing any designer whether it be for a logo, brochure, or website development project is to slow down, take your time and don’t rush yourself or the designer.

There are a lot of pieces of information you need to provide to your designer so that they have everything they need to understand your requirements. Take the time to gather all the info and spend some time doing some competitive analysis to see what others in your industry are doing to get a feel for what you like and dislike.

Allow yourself time and this will eliminate the feeling of pressure to gather all of the things your designer needs.

So what does the designer need? Of course you have enlisted the services of a professional so to some degree you will leave it in their hands to craft a spectacular design but they also need some serious input from you. Your designer needs some indication as to the style you prefer, corporate, feminine, minimalistic, playful etc.  If you say to a designer ‘I really don’t know what style or colours etc.  I want just design something’, the odds are you won’t be happy with the first few rounds of designs because it is a guessing game so spend some time reviewing other designs online to get ideas before briefing your designer.

The graphic designer next needs to understand your customers. If the branding is for a new business you may not have customers yet but you should have a clear idea of who you are trying to target and why. For example maybe you have a product that is specifically targeted at stay at home mums and the reason they will be targeted is because you have invented a product that will allow them to save time in the day from a certain task. Understanding that the design is targeting this demographic and why they will benefit from your business allows the designer to tailor your design to that demographic.

Expectations and objectives. This is a very important part of briefing the designer. They need to understand what your objectives of the branding are. If the branding is part of a redesign, what are your expectations of this? It maybe to reposition yourself in the market as a premium label, perhaps the branding is to be provocative so people talk about your brand and you are top of mind. What is your expected outcome, to increase sales? Let sectors know about you where they may previously have not?

The culmination of all of this information around your ideal customer, how you will benefit them, style and inspiration and objectives and expectations will help your designer to hit the nail on the head with your design so get started now on compiling a brief your designer will love you for and watch the magic happen!

If you’re ready to rebrand or to brand a new business get in touch with us today! Alternatively, submit a brief today