Drupal website specialists.

How does it work? The process of getting a website designed

Posted 24/June/2014 by vicky

Quite often when I talk to people about developing a website for their business, especially if it’s their first website, the first thing they ask is, how does it all work? What’s the process…well folks here’s how we do it at Neubreed!

Meet, Greet, Brief!

First things first..time for a chat. Like most businesses serious about building long term partnerships with their clients, we always prefer when possible to meet you face to face and love for you to come to the office and meet the team.

Our meetings are relaxed and fun, we start with a coffee and get to know the background behind your business, the reasons for the website, goals and aims and of course measures of success.

Once we gain a greater insight to you and your business we can reflect your uniqueness into the web development.

The meeting is an opportunity for you to ask us questions and vice versa – sometimes we give you homework and ask for more info. This all aids us in preparing a quotation for you.

Estimate and Approval

The next step is that you will receive a proposal from us outlining the costs, processes and time frames along with a company overview so you can gain a greater understanding of Neubreed’s core values and our capabilities. We will then discuss the proposal with you in finer detail and upon you acceptance we will then add your project into our production schedule.

Web Design

Within the agreed time frame we will present you with a design concept for your website. The web design proof is sent to you as a link to a live site on our staging server. Viewing the web design concept as a live concept really enables you to envisage the site as it will be on hand over vs looking at a PDF proof and trying to imagine what it will end up looking like on the web.

You will then make the allocated revisions, amendments etc. Once you have given approval of the design work the website will go into development

Web Development

Upon approval of the website design the development team will begin construction of your project. The time frame for this will vary dependent on the functionality required for your website. The website will be built with the Drupal framework to allow for scalability of your website in the years to come.


Ready for launch! Once the development team has finalised the development work on your project we will perform internal site testing, bug resolution and testing and upon your sign off of the production website we will send you live!

Well, those are the steps, if you would like to schedule a meeting with us to chat about your project give us a call today on 02 8007 0218.