Drupal website specialists.

Ecommerce – A 3 Part Series - Chapter 3. Marketing - taking on your competitors

Posted 09/July/2014 by vicky

Chapter 3. Marketing – Taking On Your Competitors

Once you have your ecommerce site developed, you’ve loaded it with content and worked out your shipping and payments – you need to not only get found but also stand apart from you competitors.

We spoke about on page elements and content in previous blog posts, and how that can affect your stance against your competition.

 In today’s article we address the part you all dread – online marketing, SEO and Pay Per Click marketing – to go it on your own or hire a professional?

 Before all of the animals, the penguins and the panda’s things were much simpler many moons ago.

 Nowadays however, there are algorithms and rules that are constantly changing that no mere mortal could keep on top of without spending all your time dedicated to research.

 If you are going to solely rely on online marketing to generate all your leads you can’t afford not to have a specialist handle your marketing for you. We have heard of so many people getting penalised by Google for black hat practices and it takes more time and more money to bring them back from the brink than following the correct principles and hiring a professional in the beginning.

 How to work out the best marketing approach for you? Your marketing shouldn’t be an off the box solution, it should be tailored and customised to your business. You might sell t-shirts and so do the other 10 people on the front page of Google, but we ensure we understand what makes your shirt unique, who is buying them, what is the demographic? Yours might be made from organic material, just for kids, the cheapest, the highest quality etc.

 Depending on the demographic and their user behavior also impacts on the style of marketing that can work for you.

 One of the greatest forms of marketing you can use with an ecommerce store is email marketing; it’s targeted at people who have already told you they want to hear about your promotions!

 To map out the most effective marketing plan for your online store, connect with us today!