Drupal website specialists.

responsive web design

Posted 23/March/2015 by vicky
responsive web design


We’ve all heard all the talk about mobile friendly and responsive design and how you need it so you don’t frustrate the 30% + of your customers searching for your product or service on their mobile device.  You may have contemplated contacting your web designer again to get on board with responsive design but its on that list of things to do..tomorrow…

Posted 04/March/2015 by vicky
website redesign

When a visitor arrives at your website, it’s a bit like a first date. They sum you up and look you over to find out a bit of info from you and decide whether or not you are a fit for what they are looking for. The last thing you want is to give the first impression you are old and outdated.

The look of your website is responsible for selling your business to potential customers. If you haven’t updated your website recently it might be time for some reflection and to look at how your website performs on your behalf.