Drupal website specialists.

web designer

Posted 23/April/2015 by vicky

 No one likes getting quotes, you have to tell a bunch of web design companies the same thing over and over and then you receive a handful of quotations back and they are all the same yet they are different yet...they are all full of tech talk and they are priced so differently!!

Posted 23/March/2015 by vicky


We’ve all heard all the talk about mobile friendly and responsive design and how you need it so you don’t frustrate the 30% + of your customers searching for your product or service on their mobile device.  You may have contemplated contacting your web designer again to get on board with responsive design but its on that list of things to do..tomorrow…

Posted 05/February/2015 by vicky

Why your website isn’t converting

There’s nothing worse than investing in a website that you love but yet doesn’t convert. The truth is your clients won’t actually tell you what they want or what they can’t use on your site they just leave. So how do you make sure your site is appealing and engaging to users?

Posted 15/December/2014 by vicky

It’s about this time of year you start to feel stuck in a rut. You have been at your job for years, it’s the same day in, day out and you look at your friends running their own businesses and they seem to have it all. So what is really involved in getting started with your own business? How viable is it?

 1. Viability of your idea.  Long before you need to worry about funding, websites, location for your business etc. of course the place to start is working out whether your idea is viable.

Posted 14/October/2014 by vicky

I think it is fairly safe to say that in this day and age the majority of people have probably already had a website developed at some stage or we know someone who has been through this process. Some people seem to have a great experience, love their website and it really works for them. Whilst on the other hand, others have had a hard time really getting the end result they were after.

So, how can you make sure the process of getting your website designed is a smooth one?

Posted 26/June/2014 by vicky

Let’s face it, there’s just too many of us (web designers) out there! There are web designers, web developers, freelancers, web design companies, digital agencies and then there’s outsourcing overseas.

I will be honest, I don’t envy you if you are looking for a web designer, the choices are endless and it takes some planning to work out which option will be best for your project not only now but most importantly in the long haul.

Posted 18/June/2014 by vicky

For any small business investing in a new website or a redesign of your existing website can be a big investment so compiling a detailed brief will ensure you get the site you dreamed of without any extra unforeseen costs along the way.

There is a fair bit of info your web designer and developer will ask of you so this should help you to prepare!
