Drupal website specialists.

ecommerce websites

Posted 16/October/2014 by vicky

If you have been in business for a while and still haven’t made the leap to taking your business online you may be wandering why you should start now? What will a website really do for your business? Maybe most of your work is referral base and word of mouth? Below we address 10 benefits of having a presence online for your business.

Posted 21/July/2014 by vicky

If you are about to delve into having an eCommerce website developed unfortunately it’s not all about design and functionality, there are shipping, privacy and consumer data policies to be written, payment gateways to be set up and thinking about specials, discounts and coupon’s and how they will be set up.

Stop – don’t panic, we are here to help you through this minefield of required information.

Posted 21/July/2014 by vicky

Picking the right platform for your ecommerce website is without a doubt a crucial decision. There is nothing worse than spending months and months on developing your online store to realise 6 months down the track your website is not scalable and won’t allow you to implement the functionality you need. An e-commerce site is a big deal, you are essentially relying on your website to deliver your income stream, for many shop owners they are 100% online so the website has to work seamlessly.

Posted 10/July/2014 by vicky

I’ve often said, I don’t envy anyone obtaining web design quotes. There are so many options, agencies, small companies, freelancers, outsourcing etc. and it’s overwhelming.

Because of this when it comes down to the wire and a client is comparing us against other web design companies we get asked all of the usual questions; how long have you been in business, what sort of clients have you worked with etc. So where does Neubreed fit in, how are we different?

Posted 09/July/2014 by vicky

Chapter 3. Marketing – Taking On Your Competitors

Once you have your ecommerce site developed, you’ve loaded it with content and worked out your shipping and payments – you need to not only get found but also stand apart from you competitors.

Posted 09/July/2014 by vicky

Chapter 2. Shipping – Oh yeah, I forgot about that!

Oh yes, I hear you – who would forget about shipping?…a lot of people do. When you are in the throes of having your ecommerce site designed it’s an exciting journey, you think about how you are going to take payments – (because you want to get paid of course!), who will be your photographer to take those amazing product shots, how you are going to market the site, the list goes on.

Posted 05/June/2014 by vicky

1. Show the people you’re famous and loved! If you have a great social presence don’t be afraid to show it off on your ecommerce website. It’s been proven time and time again that people love using a product or service that has been referred to them by other happy customers and social marketing is a great way to showcase your solid customer base and positive feedback from existing customers.
